Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Contoh Idiom Bahasa Inggris Berserta Pengertian Dan Penggunaan Kalimatnya

Well.. at this time, mari kita sama-sama belajar macam-macam idiom bahasa inggris. untuk kalian yang belum tahu apa itu idiom. idiom sendiri artinya menurut kbbi (kamus besar bahasa indonesia) adalah :
idiom/idi·om/ n Ling 1 konstruksi yang maknanya tidak sama dengan gabungan makna unsurnya, misalnya kambing hitam dalam kalimat dalam peristiwa itu hansip menjadi kambing hitam, padahal mereka tidak tahu apa-apa; 2 ark bahasa dan dialek yang khas menandai suatu bangsa, suku, kelompok, dan lain-lain.
Nah sekarang tahu dong maksud idiom itu. yupp seperti kata atau kalimat pengganti dari ungkapan yang sebenarnya. kali ini mari kita sama-sama belajar dan pahami idiom dalam bahasa inggris. berikut beberapa contoh dan pengertiannya :

  1. Crunch time maksudnya Kondisi di mana suatu pekerjaan harus segera diselesaikan dan semua orang harus bekerja keras. contoh : I know that this crunch time is really hard for him
  2. Let your freak flag fly maksudnya Tunjukkan keunikanmu, dan biarkan orang lain melihatnya. contoh : The time's come for you to let your freak flag fly and show everybody who you are
  3. Get out of hand maksudnya Tidak terkontol. contoh : The party just got out of hand and the guests started to throw bottles at each other
  4. Get your head around it maksudnya Mencoba untuk memahami sesuatu.  contoh :
    If you get your head around it, you succeed in understanding or accepting
  5. Dig in your heels maksudnya Menolak untuk berkompromi atau mengubah pemikiran. contoh : Please let me tell my side of the story before you dig in your heels on this
  6. Pound the pavement maksudnya Wara-wiri mencari pekerjaan. contoh : I got laid off on a Friday, but by the following Monday I picked up the want ads and started pounding the pavement
  7. Pull a rabbit out of a hat maksudnya Melakukan sesuatu yang tak terduga yang terlihat mustahil. contoh : We had almost given up hope when mick pulled a rabbit out of the hat by coing up with a great new idea
  8. Leave no stone unturned maksudnya Melakukan segalanya untuk mencapai tujuan.  contoh : The researcher left no stone unturned in her search for the original documents
  9. Get it out of your system maksudnya Melakukan sesuatu yang sudah lama kau inginkan dan tak mau menunggu lebih lama lagi. contoh : I think you just need to do it and get it out of your system
  10. Step up your game maksudnya Mulai melakukan dengan lebih baik. contoh : You gotta step your game up to make in in the rap biz
  11. Pull yourself together maksudnya Tenanglah dan bersikap normal. contoh : I know you're stressed out, but you need to pull yourself together and get this report done!
  12. Shape up or ship out maksudnya Mulai lakukan dengan lebih baik atau tinggalkan! contoh : I've warned you about turning up to work late for the last time, you need to shape up or ship out!
  13. Cut somebody some slack maksudnya Berikan seseorang waktu istirahat. contoh : If you cut someone some slack, you are less critical of their behaviour or performance than usual because you know they are in a difficult situation
  14. Once in blue moon maksudnya Sesuatu yang jarang terjadi. contoh : Peter only comes out for a drink once in blue moon now that he has kids
  15. Go down in flames maksudnya Berakhir atau gagal secara tiba-tiba dengan spektakuler. contoh : The company went down in flames after reports came out that it had been financing illegal activities
    The company went down in flames after reports came out that it had been financing illegal activities (
  16. Tar someone with the same brush maksudnya Percaya bahwa seseorang memiliki sifat/kualitas yang buruk sama halnya orang lain di dalam suatu kelompok/kumpulan orang banyak. contoh : some of them are quite honest, its not fair to tar them with the same brush
  17. Come out swinging maksudnya Konfrontatif dan sangat membela diri dalam suatu perdebatan/cekcok. contoh : After hearing so much opposition to his proposed construction project, the developer came out swinging at the town hall meeting
  18. Hang in there maksudnya Menunggu dan bersabar. contoh : Our company is going through tough times, but we're hanging in there
  19. Shoot from the hip maksudnya Berbicara secara langsung. contoh : Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.
  20. Go the extra mile maksudnya Berusaha sangat keras untuk mencapai tujuan.  contoh : When it comes to weaker students, the teacher goes the extra mile to help them understand
  21. Running on fumes maksudnya Tetap terjaga ketika merasa lelah. contoh : Many people like to make a game of seeing how long they can go running on fumes, but it's terrible for your fuel pump
  22. Sold me out maksudnya Mengadu atau membiarkan rahasia bocor. contoh : Can I trust you with this piece of information or will you sell me out?
  23. Blow smoke maksudnya Membesar-besarkan sesuatu atau mengatakan yang tidak-tidak sehingga nampak lebih baik daripada kenyataannya. contoh : Instead of really negotiating, they were just blowing smoke.
  24. Cry wolf maksudnya Bantuan yang tidak dibutuhkan. contoh : If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing you.
  25. Couldn't care less maksudnya Kurang minat pada sesuatu hal. contoh : Oh my gosh, did you hear about the time that I couldn't care less?
  26. Be chuffed to bits maksudnya Senang dan bahagia.  contoh : My bestfriend bought me a pair of trainers, im chuffed to bits!
  27. Feel under the weather maksudnya Merasa sakit atau tidak mampu melakukan kegiatan seperti biasanya. contoh : I'd like to go for a walk but I feel under the weather
  28. Be tickled pink maksudnya Bersemangat dan bahagia. contoh : His wife was tickled pink when he sent her flowers and gifts at work for no reason
  29. Comfort food maksudnya Makanan yang membuat kamu merasa lebih baik, karena mengingatkan kamu tentang masa kecil. contoh : Our comfort food classics will warm you up on a winter's night
  30. Skeleton crew maksudnya Jumlah minimum orang yang diperlukan untuk menjaga layanan / operasi kantor. contoh : Hey guys can you get on the phone we got a skeleton crew.
  31. Let the chips fall where they may maksudnya Membiarkan sesuatu terjadi, tidak peduli apa yang terjadi selanjutnya. contoh : I'm going to tell Ellen the truth about her husband, let the chips fall where they may
  32. No-brainer maksudnya Pengambilan keputusan yang mudah (sudah jelas bahwa itu adalah keputusan yang baik).  contoh : Dude, it's a no brainer, as a rule of thumb campers should put their marshmallow in the fire
  33. A stone's throw maksudnya Sangat dekat. contoh : The shore house is a stone's throw from the ocean!
  34. Hear on the grapevine maksudnya Mendengar rumor atau cerita yang belum terkonfirmasi kebenarannya. contoh : I heard on the grapevine that he was being promoted, but I don't know anything further
  35. Sit on the fence maksudnya Netral dan tidak memihak. contoh : You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have to decide whose side you're on
  36. Freak out maksudnya Menjadi sangat marah, takut atau gembira. contoh : I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely
  37. Piece of cake maksudnya Sesuatu yang sangat mudah dilakukan. contoh : The Math test was a piece of cake.
  38. Cost an arm and a leg maksudnya Sesuatu yang sangat mahal. contoh : I'm sick of paying rent in this town because it costs an arm and a leg!
  39. Hit the books maksudnya Belajar sangat keras. contoh : I spent the weekend pounding the books. I gotta go home and hit the books. I have finals next week.
  40. Bite off more than you can chew maksudnya Mengambil sesuatu yang terlalu banyak bagimu untuk menanganinya. contoh : I bit off more than I could chew when I volunteered to manage three little league teams in one season.
  41. When pigs fly maksudnya Sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah terjadi. contoh : I'm sure that David would be happy to pay for everyone—when pigs fly, that is
  42. Don't judge a book by its cover maksudnya Jangan menilai atau membuat keputusan berdasarkan kesan singkat atau penampilan luar. contoh : I know she's a little frumpy, but don't judge a book by its cover, man!
  43. You rock! maksudnya Kau hebat/luar biasa. contoh : Hey, thanks for moving my sofa on Saturday. You rock!
  44. Miss the boat maksudnya Kehilangan kesempatan untuk melakukan sesuatu. contoh : If you don't call the recruiter back right away, you're going to miss the boat.

Formula 16 Tenses

Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan waktu (sekarang, masa depan, atau masa lalu) terjadinya suatu kejadian atau peristiwa.


Fungsi : menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini
Rumus : Subject + Verb 1 (present form)
Kata Kunci : always, every, never, normally, often, sometimes, usually, seldom
Kalimat Positif : He always works very hard in the company
Kalimat Negatif : He does not work very hard in the company.
Kalimat Tanya : Does he work very hard in the company?
                            Yes, he does. / No, he does not.


Fungsi : menunjukan suatu tindakan yang masih berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sudah dimulai, dan belum berakhir ketika pembicaraan itu berlangsung.
Rumus : Subject + am/is/are + Verb -ing (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : at the moment, just now, now, right now, Listen!, Look!
Kalimat Positif : Look! He is talking with his classmates.
Kalimat Negatif : He is not playing computer games now.
Kalimat Tanya : Is he playing computer games at the moment?
                             Yes, he is. / No, he is not.


Fungsi : menggambarkan suatu aktivitas yang telah dilakukan pada saat ini. Disebut Perfect karena aktivitas itu telah terjadi atau sudah diselesaikan secara sempurna pada saat ini (present).
Rumus : Subject + has/have+ Verb III (past participle form)
Kata Kunci : already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now
Kalimat Positif : He has already finished his homework.
Kalimat Negatif : He has not been to Australia so far.
Kalimat Tanya : Has he completed the arrangement for the coming event up to now?
                             Yes, he has. / No, he has not


Fungsi : menyatakan aktivitas yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang, maupun yang sudah berakhir di masa lalu pula.
Rumus : Subject + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + Verb -ing (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : for the past 5 years, how long …?, the whole week, since xxxx 
Kalimat Positif : He has been working here since 1996.
Kalimat Negatif : He has not been speaking for the last 3 hours.
Kalimat Tanya : Has he been playing the computer game all day?
                             Yes, he has. / No, he has not.


Fungsi : menjelaskan kejadian atau aktivitas yang terjadi di masa lalu.
Rumus : Subject + Verb II (past form)
Kata Kunci : yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1996, last Thursday, this morning
Kalimat Positif : Last year, he always worked until night.
Kalimat Negatif : He did not go to school this morning.
Kalimat Tanya : Did he pay the bill yesterday?
                             Yes, he did. / No, he did not.


Fungsi : menunjukkan aktivitas yang berlangsung di masa lampau.
Rumus : Subject + WAS/WERE + Verb -ing (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : when, while, as long as, at this time yesterday
Kalimat Positif : He was speaking when I entered in room.
Kalimat Negatif : He was not doing his homework at this time yesterday.
Kalimat Tanya : Was he writing the letter to his parents when I was out last Tuesday?
                             Yes, he was. / No, he was not.


Fungsi : menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu.
Rumus : Subject + HAD + Verb III (past participle form)
Kata Kunci : before yesterday, till three days ago, already, until that day
Kalimat Positif : He had finished his designs before he went to work yesterday.
Kalimat Negatif : He had not been a high school student until last year.
Kalimat Tanya : Had he entered the company before he achieved his master degree in 1990?
                             Yes, he had. / No, he had not.


Fungsi : menunjukkan sebuah aktifitas yang telah terjadi di masa lalu dan masih berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa lalu juga.
Rumus : Subject + HAD + BEEN + Verb -ing (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : for, since, the whole day, all day
Kalimat Positif : He said that he had been working here for ten years.
Kalimat Negatif : He was told that his teacher had been waiting for him since 2 p.m yesterday.
Kalimat Tanya : Had he been speaking for the whole class before I entered?
                             Yes, he had. / No, he had not.


Fungsi : menyatakan sebuah aktivitas yang terjadi di masa depan (yang akan datang) atau masih berupa rencana.
Rumus : Subject + “WILL/ BE GOING TO” + Verb (present form)
Kata Kunci : in a year, next …, tomorrow, next week, five days later
Kalimat Positif : He is going to be journalist after he graduate next year.
Kalimat Negatif : He will not play computer games anymore because he understand how harmful they are.
Kalimat Tanya : Will he go to the cinema tomorrow with us?
                             Yes, he will. / No, he will not.


Fungsi : menyatakan sebuah aktifitas yang sedang berlangsung di masa depan.
Rumus : Subject + “WILL/BE GOING TO” + “BE” + Verb (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : tomorrow morning, in one year
Kalimat Positif : He will be delivering the speech to undergraduates at 3 p.m tomorrow afternoon.
Kalimat Negatif : He will not be doing the task in the office this afternoon because he is sick.
Kalimat Tanya : Will he be playing football next morning in the playground?
                             Yes, he will/No, he will not


Fungsi : menunjukan aktifitas yang telah selesai di masa depan.
Rumus : Subject + “WILL HAVE” + Verb III (past participle form)
Kata Kunci : by next Monday, in a week
Kalimat Positif : He will have finished the task by next Monday.
Kalimat Negatif : He will not have finished the given task by tomorrow evening.
Kalimat Tanya : Will he have finished the task in a week?
                             Yes, he will/No, he will not


Fungsi : menunjukkan sebuah aktifitas yang sedang berlangsung dengan rentang waktu tertentu di masa depan.
Rumus : Subject + “WILL HAVE BEEN” + Verb-ing (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : for the last couple of hours, all day long
Kalimat Positif : He will have been taking charge of the team for the next hour.
Kalimat Negatif : He will not have been doing the task for the last couple of hours.
Kalimat Tanya : Will he have been doing the research all day long
                             Yes, he will/No, he will not.


Fungsi : mengungkapkan sebuah keinginan yang tidak terwujud. Dikatakan Past Future karena si pelaku ini akan melakukan sesuatu di masa depan tapi gagal karena sesuatu di masa lalu.
Rumus : Subject + WOULD + Verb (present form)
Subject + WAS/WERE + GOING TO + Verb (Present Form)
Kata Kunci : -
Kalimat Positif : He said that he would leave in three days.
Kalimat Negatif : He did not promise that he would buy you a new computer.
Kalimat Tanya : Did you tell him when I would arrive?
                             Yes, I did / No, I did not.


Fungsi : tense yang akan dan sedang berlangsung di masa lalu. Maka aktivitas yang akan di lakukan di masa depan itu tidak jadi dilakukan karena suatu hal di masa lalu.
Rumus : Subject + “SHOULD/WOULD BE” + Verb-ing (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : -
Kalimat Positif : I made a promise that I would be doing my homework all day long tomorrow.
Kalimat Negatif : I did not tell anyone that I would be giving a speech to undergraduates for the next whole morning.
Kalimat Tanya : Did you say that you would be working hard in the next week?
                             Yes, I did / No, I did not.


Fungsi : menyatakan sebuah kejadian yang akan terjadi dan sudah selesai di masa lampau. Jadi kejadian yang akan dilakukan ini tidak jadi dilakukan di masa lalu karena suatu hal, atau bisa juga hanya sebatas angan-angan semata.
Rumus : Subject + SHOULD/WOULD HAVE + Verb III (past participle form)
Kata Kunci : -
Kalimat Positif : He told the students that they should have finished the homework this morning.
Kalimat Negatif : He said that he would not have made such a mistake if he had taken my advice..
Kalimat Tanya : Did you say that you would have been a doctor in three years?
                             Yes, I did / No, I did not.


Fungsi : menunjukkan sebuah aktifitas yang sedang akan terjadi dan masih berlanjut di masa lampau. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense memakai keterangan waktu lampau dan memiliki durasi tertentu yang menunjukkan suatu aktivitas sedang berlangsung dari suatu masa ke suatu masa.
Rumus : Subject + WOULD HAVE BEEN + Verb -ing (continuous form)
Kata Kunci : -
Kalimat Positif : I heard that you should have been teaching here for ten years by this July.
Kalimat Negatif : I did not know that he would have been working for the past three hours by that time.
Kalimat Tanya : Would he have been explaining to the workers if he had made the information clear? Yes, he would / No, he would not.